How old is Dr Bean?


下関岡山奈良 nearer than 青森東京, at


Hi. My name is Greg.

Last time

Last time I talked about Mr Sato and my names.

We both have the Chinese character, 圭, in our names.


This time I want to talk about how far it is from Shimonoseki, where I met Mr Sato, to Nara, where I live. Aomori is at one end of Honshu. Shimonoseki is at the other end. Nara is not near Aomori, but it is nearer to Aomori than Shimonoseki is. Nara is not near Shimonoseki, but it is nearer to Shimonoseki than Aomori.


I traveled with Mr Sato from Shimonoseki to Okayama. Okayama is not near Shimonoseki, but it is nearer to Shimonoseki than Nara and Aomori are.


I then traveled by myself to Nara. I live in Nara. I want you to tell me how far it is from Shimonoseki to Nara.


I want you to write it using ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘x’ or ‘/’.


1 + 1 = 2
2 + 2 = 4
4 + 4 = 8
8 + 8 = 16

Say, ‘8 + 8 = 16’


16 - 8 = 8
8 - 4 = 4
4 - 2 = 2
2 - 1 = 1

Say, ‘2 - 1 = 1’


2 x 1 = 2
2 x 2 = 4
2 x 4 = 8
2 x 8 = 16

Say, ‘2 x 8 = 16’

Divided by:

16 / 2 = 8
8 / 2 = 4
4 / 2 = 2
2 / 2 = 1

Say, ‘2 / 2 = 1’

2 Distances

OK. So, back to distances between Shimonoseki and Nara.

From Shimonoseki to Okayama, it’s 350 kilometers. From Okayama to Nara, it’s 200 kilometers.

How far is it from Shimonoseki to Nara? I want you to write an expression using the numbers, 200 and 350 and one of the signs, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘x’ or ‘/’.

Get a pen and a piece of paper. Write down 2 numbers and one sign.

Did you write down 2 numbers and one of ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘x’ or ‘/’? Which of the 4 signs did you use?


Nara is farther from Shimonoseki. It’s not near Aomori, but it’s nearer to Aomori than Okayama is. So the answer is going to be bigger than 350, the distance from Shimonoseki to Okayama. It’s going to be 200 bigger than 350, the distance from Okayama to Nara.


OK. So you wrote down the expression. What is the answer? 500, 550, or 700?


The distance from Aomori to Tokyo is 700 kilometers. Shimonoseki is closer/nearer to Nara than Aomori is to Tokyo. Is the answer 700?

The distance from Shimonoseki to Nara is …

What is the distance from Aomori to Tokyo?

X-er than

Next time

Next time, we are going to do ‘older than’, and ‘younger than’.

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