The people on the site

For my TOEFL/TOEIC Test site, I created two fake personas, besides myself.

The first for the admin login was ‘Ed Min’, which may be a homophone of ‘admin’ for merry/marry/Mary merger speakers. ‘Min’ is the 5026th most common family name in the US, a position it shares with McGarry and Woodley.

The second for entry to the site without creating an id, was ‘Tess Staker’ for the ‘test’ id with password ‘Testing123’. ‘Tess Staker’ is a homophone of ‘test taker’ in normal speech. ‘Staker’ is the 18,849th most common family name in the US. Other 18,849th most common names are ‘Spagnola’, ‘Berber’, ‘Brannock’, ‘Corrao’, ‘Metivier’, ‘Maury’, ‘Masood’, and ‘Laska’.

Invite ‘Ed Min’ and ‘Tess Taker’ onto your site.

Me at

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