Waking up–the road to error

In a waking reverie, pioneering psychologist, William James, thought with

Higamus, Hogamus
Woman are monogamous
Hogamus, higamus
Men are polygamous

he had discovered a great truth.

But later, in the light of day, reflecting on that opinion, he dismissed it.


PS. My apparently mistaken understanding, due to reading a HJ Eysenck popular exposition of pysychology for a lay audience, that this was an experience of James, leads me to suspect that there may be something in claims that Eysenck’s scientific work was (also) a ‘figment of his imagination’ or the product of a fevered mind.

His teacher, Cyril Burt is also known as the serial perpetrator of scientific fraud.

Is psychology (also) a scientific fraud?

Feynman and cargo cult psychology at DDG

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