Personal fulfilment establishing Internet presence

POSSE (Publish on Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere) is great. The issue is control. Not control of other people, but having what I do work or not work. On my own site, I don’t need Big Tech to have a voice. And I really feel a sense of achievement getting the machine to do what I want, which contributes to the image I have of myself, my feelings of self-efficacy, which are not supported in my interactions with people, because they don’t do what I want.

As a believer in #POSSE, I was motivated by, boosted by molly0xfff, to write scripts to post to my own site from the command line, making it as easy to do as posting a mastodon toot from the command line, and to do it at the same time.

#POSSE (Publish Own Site Syndicate Everywhere) motivated the developer at to cease embedding their youtube videos on their website and instead embed them from their storage on the cloud and then also publish them on youtube independently of their website. I don’t think this was #vendor_lockin by youtube, but the lack of #vendorlockin needs to be considered another of the virtues of #POSSE

I need to be careful of who I accuse of #vendor_lockin here, but my failure to export my mastodon toots as plain text, giving up on an attempt to extract them with jq (a great tool) from the JSON glob exported by ActivityPub a couple of months ago, contributes to my support for #POSSE. It doesn’t t lessen my appreciation for mastodon and ActivityPub as vendors/brands of the FOSS software I’m grateful for.

Me at

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