How to pronounce the obsolete word, ‘weal’

tinsoldier is the bot on the ##English channel on the freenode irc network.


 -th — Suffix: 1. (no longer productive) Used to form nouns from verbs of action., 2. (no longer productive) Used to form nouns from adjectives.


I can't think of a noun ending in '-th' formed from a verb of action or an adjective.

    'eightth', 'twelfth', 'month'

'wealth' is from 'weal', an adjective?

    'health', 'stealth', and ..

'heal' is an adjective or a verb?

'steal' is a verb.

'wrath' is from what?

Where is the reverse dictionary?

    'length', 'breadth', 'width'

There are more than I thought.


weal — Noun: 1. (obsolete) Wealth, riches. [10th-19th c.], 2. (literary) Welfare, prosperity. [from 10th c.], 3. (by extension) Boon, benefit., 4. Specifically, the general happiness of a community, country etc. (often with qualifying word). [from 15th c.], — Verb: 1. To mark with stripes; to wale.


OK, I've come across 'commonweal'


commonweal — Noun: 1. (obsolete or archaic) The common good; public wellbeing or prosperity, 2. The body politic; republic


I rhyme 'heath' and 'wreath' with 'teeth' and not with 'death'.

But I rhyme 'health' and 'wealth' with 'twel(f)th'. The vowel spelling is the same, but pronunciation is different, in 'heal' and 'steal'

How would I pronouce 'weal'? Would it rhyme with 'real' and 'deal' or would the vowel have the same pronunciation as in 'wealth' and 'commonwealth'?

I think 'weal' rhymes with 'real' and 'deal', and not with 'wealth'. And the second vowel in 'commonweal' is not the same as the second in 'commonwealth'

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