How did Twitter do it?

Apparently when Twitter started they hadn’t thought of a business model.

Who would have realized pumping out bits at scale, allowing everbody to project 100 bytes at a time into the void, at any time all the time, was filling a need.

It’s like enabling people to go out the front door and say what’s on their mind, like they’re trying to communicate, but to no-one in particular.

What would the neighbors think?

Neighbor: Either theyre practicing their freedom to speak, or they’re going crazy. Or perhaps they’re letting off steam after an argument with a family member.

But as everyone was doing it, perhaps it caught on.

Why Twitter became so popular links to the mystery of how microorganisms recognize fellow organisms with whom they can copulate in sexual reproduction.

Either these simple forms of life are already able to identify fellow organisms and distinguish them from other objects in the environment or they’re seeking to copulate with objects whose identity they don’t know and they succeed at random.

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