Getting married
                      |                                       |
                   ----------------------------------------------------> Time
                      |  |   |   |     |           |      ||  |
                      |  |   |   |     |           |      ||  + Start of married life
                      |  |   |   |     |           |      |+ Consummation of marriage
                      |  |   |   |     |           |      + Honeymoon
                      |  |   |   |     |           + Wedding ceremony
                      |  |   |   |     + Preparing for married life
                      |  |   |   + Planning the wedding
                      |  |   + Engagement
                      |  +-- Recognition by family, friends
                      +--Marriage proposal
     Getting married is not a simple process, but living day to day
     and preparing today for what you will be doing tomorrow is also not