
Dr Bean (高來圭)



Listeners, like drivers, get lost.

They need help with signs & signals.

Help finding way

Can’t get there from here

Lost driver

 A: Where am I?
 B: This is 南投.
 A: How do I get to 花蓮 from here?
 B: You can’t get there from here.


Signals in church event–mass

People can’t see or have gone to sleep and need a wake-up call

Presentation similarity

Listeners don’t understand what you’re saying, so they need wake-up calls or signposting

Talking about the talk

You need to understand & talk about 2 different things:

  • the subject of your talk
    • What you’re talking about, AND
  • the presentation (贈送) of your talk
    • How you give the talk

You need to talk about that.


  • the floor
    • who owns it–the moderator
    • who has it–the presenter
    • who gives it to/takes it from who
      • un/willingly–a questioner
  • your turn

The floor

Literally, but also a metaphor

  • Where is attention of everyone assumed to be

The turn

The person everyone expects to speak has the floor.

It’s their turn

The person who has the floor can give the next person the floor by introducing them.

Turns on the floor

  1. Moderator
  2. Group A
    1. Introduction of Topic
    2. Presenter I
    3. Presenter II
  3. Group B
    1. Introduction of Topic
    2. Presenter I …

Part A: introducing the presenter

Ways to give someone a turn

  • Short introduction
  • Long introduction

Simple turn

.. 到那个时候,政治家、我们的政治理论家、政治思想家们该怎么对待这个问题?施展。

施展:实际上刚才刚升已经部分地替我回应了周濂兄令我很不满意的回答。 ..


When that happens, how should [=they] deal with the problem? Shi Zhan, your turn.

Shi Zhan: In fact, just now Gangsheng gave a partial response on my behalf to Zhou Lian’s answer to my question, which left me very dissatisfied.

Big-deal introduction

  • Summarize to wrap up your part.
  • Introduce the next topic.
  • Praise & name the next speaker.

Summaries to conclude your talk

So, in conclusion, if global 
warming ..

Well, that was a brief 
introduction to ..

Introducing the next speaker’s topic

Perhaps, with a question:

What if blah-blah-blah?

How often do you yada-yada-yada?

Giving the next speaker the cue to speak.

Look at them and name them.

Shi Zhan, your turn.

Quiz I

From the handout:

Carmen Chen's going to talk 
about ..
  1. Summarizing one’s own part
  2. Introducing the next speaker’s part
  3. Cuing the next speaker

Quiz II

From the handout:

Now I would like to call on 
Mike ..
  1. Summarizing one’s own part
  2. Introducing the next speaker’s part
  3. Cuing the next speaker

Quiz III

From the handout:

I would like to introduce Dr 
Lee, who's going to ..
  1. Summarizing one’s own part
  2. Introducing the next speaker’s part
  3. Cuing the next speaker

Turn taking practice–3 times

Practicing yielding the floor.

"OK, I showed bla-bla-bla."
"Now II will talk about 
"Go, II!"

Time #0

  • Chinese
  • Order of speakers
  • Discussion within group
    • What will be easy
    • What will be difficult

Time #1

  • English
  • Speaking to a phone, recording it

    "Speaker: I'm going to talk about the geology of Italy.
    Group: Cut!
    Speaker: So, that's the geology of Italy.
    What about Italian tourist attractions?
    Michelle? (Hands Michelle phone)"

    "Michelle: I'm going to talk about Italian tourist attractions."
    Group: Cut!"

Discussion of Time #1

  • Chinese

  • Listen to the recording

    • What went well
    • What could have been better

Time #2

  • English
  • The same as Time #1, but speaking to the group, not phone

    "Speaker: I'm going to talk about the geology of Italy.
    Group: Cut!
    Speaker: So, that's the geology of Italy.
    What about Italian tourist attractions?
    Michelle? (Looks at Michelle)

    Michelle: I'm going to talk about Italian tourist attractions.
    Group: Cut!

Discussion of Time #2

  • Chinese

  • Talk about what was said

    • What went well
    • What could have been better

Time #3

  • English

  • The same as Time #2, but looking at the other groups (not your own group)

    • They’re not listening to you!

    But will people be listening to you when you do it in front of the whole class?


“Tell them what you’re going to say, say it; then tell them what you said.”

  • Summarize/introduce what you’re going to say.
  • Give the talk.
  • Summarize what you said.

Part B: Getting started

Say what you’re going to say.

1-3 sentences with information about the talk

  • “In this talk, ..”
  • “I will begin by ..”
  • “First, .. Second/Then .. Finally”

Quiz IV

From the handout:

"I will begin by outlining the geology of Italy."

The topic of the talk:

  1. the geology of Italy
  2. some topic about Italy in which geology plays a part

Quiz V

From the handout:

"First, I'll give an overview of the geology of Peru.
Then, Michelle will talk about attractions. Finally,
John will present entertainment."

The topic of the talk:

  1. Peru as a tourist destination
  2. Geology, attractions and entertainment in Peru

Quiz VI

From the handout:

"Our group will present the geology, tourist attractions,
cuisine and entertainment in Italy."

The topic of the talk:

  1. Geology, attractions, cuisine and entertainment in Italy
  2. Italy as a tourist destination

Practice of full presentation–3 times

Time #0

  • Chinese

  • Making sure everyone knows what to say

    “What are you going to say, Michelle?”

  • Discussion within group

    • What will be easy
    • What will be difficult

Time #1

  • English
  • Speaking to a phone, recording it

    "Speaker: I'm going to talk about the geology of Italy.
    There's a long line of mountains down Italy, just like in Taiwan.
    Speaker: So, that's the geology of Italy.
    What about Italian tourist attractions?
    Michelle? (Hands Michelle phone)"

    "Michelle: I'm going to talk about Italian tourist attractions."
    There are many things to do and see in Italy.

Discussion of Time #1

  • Chinese

  • Listen to the recording

    • What went well
    • What could have been better

Time #2

  • English
  • The same as Time #1, but speaking to the group, not phone

    "Speaker: I'm going to talk about the geology of Italy.
    There's a long line of mountains down Italy, just like in Taiwan.
    Speaker: So, that's the geology of Italy.
    What about Italian tourist attractions?
    Michelle? (Looks at Michelle)

    Michelle: I'm going to talk about Italian tourist attractions.
    There are many things to do and see in Italy.

Discussion of Time #2

  • Chinese

  • Talk about what was said

    • What went well
    • What could have been better

Time #3

  • English
  • The same as Time #2, but looking at the other groups (not your own group)

They’re not listening to you!

  • But will people be listening to you when you do it in front of the whole class?

Talking about the talk–signposts for lost


You need to understand the structure of your talk & be able to talk about what you are doing/saying.

Moving through a talk

You need to be able to think on your feet

  • change topics and
  • add to and subtract from the speech

on the fly. That’s NOT walk and chew gum.

Topic change

  • “Now, let’s look at ..”
  • “Moving to the next topic, ..”
  • “Going back to ..”

Not doing all

the parts of the speech you prepared,

because it’s too long.

  • “Moving along now, ..”
  • “If you’re interested in this, look at ..”

Adding some extra details

to your prepared speech because it’s too short.

“Let me say some more about this, ..”

Ending the talk

How do you signal you’re ending the presentation?

  • “Well”
  • “OK”
  • “So”

And then you just say what you said. As a summary of course.

Part C. During the presentation, ending the presentation

Quiz VII

From the handout:

"Now let’s turn to taboos in Rome."

The speaker’s purpose:

  1. changing topics
  2. adding or subtracting material
  3. ending the talk


From the handout:

"Moving on, I would like to talk about gourmet food in the city."

The speaker’s purpose:

  1. changing topics
  2. adding or subtracting material
  3. ending the talk

Quiz IX

From the handout:

"I’d just like to go back to the previous slide."

The speaker’s purpose:

  1. changing topics
  2. adding or subtracting material
  3. ending the talk

Quiz X

From the handout:

"To sum up, then, the United Kingdom is definitely a place you want
to visit one day."

The speaker’s purpose:

  1. changing topics
  2. adding or subtracting material
  3. ending the talk

The end of the presentation workshop, November 2022

Course slides, Spring semester 2015

  • Types of speech +* Public speaking to an audience +* Panel discussions
    • Exam activity +* Interviews
    • Exam activity +* Debates +* The Hot Seat
    • At start of class one student comes to front and answers questions +* Self-introductions

4 4-week sessions

  • First year:
  • Weeks 1-4: Names – a speech +* Weeks 5-9: Food – a debate +* Weeks 10-13: Music – an interview +* Weeks 14-18: Language – a speech
  • Last year:
    • Each week a mixture of the 4 types of speech
    • Each week a mixture of topics
      • Week 1: Our feelings about public speaking and our hopes for the course.


  • First year–Listening to speakers

  • Last year and this year–Each week

  1. a video file on youtube
  2. a link to it on elearning.nuu.edu.tw
  1. Get an account on http://youtube.com
  2. Make an album, 相簿主題: ‘FLA0007’ with 相簿描述: English Speaking 全站分類: 學院生… 相簿保護方式: 完全開放
  3. Upload a soundfile with 檔案標題: 檔案描述:

Then record the location on elearning: ‘Recordings’ 標題: Week 1: Dr Bean 193001 Welcome to FLA0007 原始碼: Welcome to FLA0022

Do it before 8am Thursday Week 2.

Homework Week 1

  • Week 1–30 seconds IMPROVISED speech about giving a speech. What do you think about giving a speech. What are you expecting from this class.

    • Do–Write down notes +* Don’t–Write down the text and read it.
      • Don’t be like Ronald Reagan and read your text. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt1fYSAChxs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pbp0hur9RU
    • Because it’s improvised, it’s OK to say, Uhm, Ah, and to pause to think. +* Plagiarism


  • Classwork: 40 percent
  • Homework: 40 percent
  • Exams: 20 percent

Reagan and Gates reading scripts

  • Look at Reagan. He doesn’t pause. He almost knows his script by heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt1fYSAChxs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pbp0hur9RU
  • Look at Gates. He tells a joke or two, like Reagan. He’s reading his speech too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP5VIhbJwFs



  • Each week a debate between champions from 2 groups.

    • 2 speakers

    • 30 seconds for each speaker. Scissors, paper, rock to decide who goes first.

    • In 4 weeks everyone gets a chance to be a speaker.

    • Winner is decided by the vote of the 6 listeners.

      • Listeners can help their champions, but not speak publicly.
      • If members of one group are absent, the group is likely to lose. No proxy votes.
      • If the vote is even, Dr Bean will listen to the arguments of the 2 sides and judge the winner on the basis of those arguments.

    +* The grade is a group grade. Members of the winning group get 3 points, but only if they are present. Members of the losing group get 2 points, but only if they are present.

    • If I am not satisfied with the amount of discussion in English, For example, all the discussion takes place in Chinese) only 1 or 2 points.

    +* Choosing the debate topic and opponents for the next week.

  • On http://elearning.nuu.edu.tw, on the 課程討論板 , write the names of the groups, eg Black - Pink Debate week5 in the title.

In the body of the message, write:

The question debated, eg, Do you think getting married early is good. The debater, who said, Yes, eg, Yes, Eunice The debater who said, NO, eg, No, Brian The winner, eg, Eunice, The vote, 4-2. The reason the winner one, eg. More arguments.

Debate tournament
Content of sound file
+ * Most people read something they had written: -1 points this time * I want you to think about what you are saying, as you say it.
+ * Some students, I couldn’t understand a few words that they said: -0 points

Links to, recording of sound file

  • Too soft: -0 this time, -1 next time. I couldn’t hear the tape clearly in some cases, eg Jessica,

    • Tape longer than 30 seconds: -0 points, but I didn’t listen beyond 30 secs.
  • No direct link to sound file: -0 this time, -1 next time Sandy: http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=ksandy1024&book=2

No links to the album. Link directly to the sound file.

    • No id, or title, on the sound file: -0 this time. -1 next time
      • As title for the sound file, ‘Thoughts about speech’ or ‘My expectations’
      • As DESCRIPTION for the sound file, name, id: ‘N9661755 Yuwen’ NOT ‘FLA0027-1’
    • Zero-length files: only 1 point Probably zero points next time
  • Not on subject: -0 this time Some were kind of not about speech but about conversation.

  • Late links. Do it before 12pm Wednesday.

Presentations on speaking to learn from

Jean on fears http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=tsmc019152&b=3&f=1546219783&p=0 Nelson on organization http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=l18520&b=5&f=1960354168&p=0 Ford on Dr Bean giving students the skill http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=flyinsky332&b=5&f=1111777309&p=0 Moto on improvising and having fun http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=kaoruaki&b=37&f=1515799081&p=0

On fears http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=Japanocean&b=2&f=1098532440&p=1 On knowing what to do http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=peichi721&b=1&f=1704519326&p=1

Saturdays business presentations with Michael

Thank you, or Thanks for your attention, or Thanks for listening, but not Thanks for your listening

http://www.google.com/search?q=%22thank%20you%20for%20your%20listening%22&num=100 http://www.google.com/search?q=%22thanks%20for%20your%20listening%22&num=100

Week 2 Homework–Self introductions

* My life in 30 seconds
    - DON'T write it down
    - DO practice 2 or 3 times beforehand
    - DO do it in front of an audience
    - DO record it as many times as you like,
        but DON'T upload more than one file.
    - DO time yourself so you keep it short

* On FLA0022

* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dydGuB4kFfU
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCfBM4gL2zY&feature=related

Self-introductions: points to note

Sharon: Don’t read it. We want to see you looking at us.

Shally: Make it louder. I have been giving you 2. I will start giving you 1. Michelle: Make a FLA0022 album and put all your soundfiles in it.

Self-introductions to learn from

  • Cindy on stress and optimism http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=zzl727&b=1&f=1715608302&p=0
  • Ivy on outdoor life http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=ivy77117&b=1&f=1150132709&p=0
  • Allen on keeping fit http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=huylallen&b=2&f=1817100740&p=1
  • Steven on taking pictures http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=green83&b=54&f=1864572256&p=1

http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=v00178&b=2&f=1909160686&p=0 http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=vivi091178&b=39&f=1179141058&p=0

Good webcam videos, bad webcam videos, ugly webcam videos
Natural conversation
The interview should be natural rather than theatrical. We don’t need to pretend anything. It’s not a role play.
The interviewER want to find out something about the interviewEE. The interviewEE wants to reveal something to the interviewER in conversation.
# Good webcam recording
Both interviewer and interviewee are in view, and looking at each other.
This means they have to sit close together and a bit further away from the camera than for just a single person.
# On elearning
Then record the location on elearning: ‘Recordings’ 標題: Week 1: Dr Bean 193001 Welcome to FLA0007 原始碼: Welcome to FLA0022
# Bad interviews:
Police questions: Invasion of privacy. One-way interviews: The interviewee is giving up information. Something is coming out of the interviewee but nothing is coming out of the interviewer. No feedback, or expression of interest, no reaction. eg, ‘Interesting.’ Scripted interviews: ones where the interviewer is not listening to the interviewee and the interviewee’s answer doesn’t affect the next question the interviewer asks. If you want to change the topic: ‘What about X? What do you think of X?’ Forced interviews: The interviewee is forced to answer questions unwillingly.
# Interesting: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=interesting
* Don’t read it, minus 1 point: * Not natural, minus 1 point: * Wrong title and description, minus 1 point: * One id, one student, not two, minus 1 point: (Sunny: just one id, not a new id each week) * One post on elearning, one link, NOT 2: Rita, Sophia, Ting, others The message is the interviewEE’s, not the interviewER’s. The link is to the interviewEE’s interview. Minus 1 point. * Interviewing the wrong person: Donna interviewed Andy. Andy should have interviewed Donna. * Not about the information in the presentation: * Interviewer not listening to answers, asking questions unrelated to previous answer: Rita * Recording not clear, minus 1 point: Ashley * No interviewer, minus 1 point: * Can’t see the file, minus 1 point: * No soundfile, 1 point:
Link is to the album, not the MP3 file, minus 1 point: Emily
# NOT a job interview!
# Good interviews–Bad interviews of people unknown to you
http://twins.guptara.net/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi7t6vavLIo
http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/360114.Alan_DeNiro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2EdC6LW8Qs
Interviewers: DO take a playful, antagonistic stance but DON’T make the interviewee feel bad DO tease/play with the interviewee but DO ask an easier question if the interviewee can’t cope.
# Good interviews–Bad interviews of people known to you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toiwxitbGyA&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvIls2oLphI&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piSW6op8G58
# Week 6 Week 6 Debate by B’s Week 6 Recordings–Another presentation with 9-12 words 3 lines of 3-4 words
# Presentation 2 Title: Writing software Difficult: Computer languages Fun: Relaxation from teaching Work: Useful in classroom
# Interview recordings Week 8
The interviews MUST be about the week 6 recordings. Make questions using the points of the slides. Ask your questions. Record 60 seconds.
The interviewer has the responsibility of uploading the file. The grade is the interviewer’s grade, not the interviewee’s.
Summarize your questions in the post with the link to the Youtube presentation
A’s will interview A’s in the next group B’s will interview B’s in the next group C’s will interview C’s in the next group
The interviewER will get the grade!
# Pairings
Chelsea interviews Kathy Kathy interviews Eva Eva interviews Maggie Maggie interviews Jimmy Jimmy interviews Joey Joey interviews Elly Elly interviews Jessica Jessica interviews Edison Edison interviews Donna Donna interviews Kumiko
Kumiko interviews Rachel Rachel interviews Tracy Tracy interviews Nina Nina interviews Emily1 Emily1 interviews Molly Molly interviews Ivy2 Ivy2 interviews Vivi Vivi interviews Tina Tina interviews Bruce Bruce interviews Chelsea
Sophie interviews Amy Amy interviews Melissa Melissa interviews Luke Luke interviews Cathy Cathy interviews Ivy1 Ivy1 interviews Frances Frances interviews Peggy Peggy interviews Jacinta Jacinta interviews Andy Andy interviews Aska
Aska interviews Nancy Nancy interviews Anita Anita interviews Vera Vera interviews ~ ~ interviews Joe Joe interviews Hank Hank interviews Emily2 Emily2 interviews Abby Abby interviews Alan Alan interviews Sophie
# Round 1
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Chelsea interviews Kathy
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Joe interviews Hank
After, Chelsea and Joe go to other end.
# Round 2
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Kathy interviews Eva
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Hank interviews Emily2
After, Kathy and Hank go to other end.
# Round 3
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Eva interviews Maggie
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Emily2 interviews Abby
After, Eva and Emily2 go to other end.
# Round 4
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Maggie interviews Jimmy
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Abby interviews Alan
After, Maggie and Abby go to other end.
# Round 5
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Jimmy interviews Joey
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Alan interviews Sophie
After, Jimmy and Alan go to other end.
# Round 6
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Sophie interviews Amy
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Joey interviews Elly
After, Sophie and Joey go to other end.
# Round 7
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Amy interviews Melissa
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Elly interviews Jessica
After, Amy and Elly go to other end.
# Round 8
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Melissa interviews Luke
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Jessica interviews Edison
After, Melissa and Jessica go to other end.
# Round 9
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Luke interviews Cathy
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Edison interviews Donna
After, Luke and Edison go to other end.
# Round 10
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Cathy interviews Ivy1
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Donna interviews Kumiko
After, Cathy and Donna go to other end.
# Round 11
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Kumiko interviews Rachel
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Ivy1 interviews Frances
After, Kumiko and Ivy1 go to other end.
# Round 12
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Rachel interviews Tracy
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Frances interviews Peggy
After, Rachel and Frances go to other end.
# Round 13
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Tracy interviews Nina
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Peggy interviews Jacinta
After, Tracy and Peggy go to other end.
# Round 14
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Nina interviews Emily1
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Jacinta interviews Andy
After, Nina and Jacinta go to other end.
# Round 15
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Emily1 interviews Molly
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Andy interviews Aska
After, Emily1 and Andy go to other end.
# Round 16
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Aska interviews Nancy
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Molly interviews Ivy2
After, Aska and Molly go to other end.
# Round 17
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Nancy interviews Anita
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Ivy2 interviews Vivi
After, Nancy and Ivy2 go to other end.
# Round 18
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Anita interviews Vera
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Vivi interviews Tina
After, Anita and Vivi go to other end.
# Round 19
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green Vera interviews ~
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Tina interviews Bruce
After, Vera and Tina go to other end.
# Round 20
Front: Black Blue Brown Gray Green ~ interviews Joe
Back: White Red Purple Pink Orange Bruce interviews Chelsea
After, ~ and Bruce go to other end.

== Roundtable discussions


2 simultaneous ‘rooms’: Front, ie Green, Gray, Brown, Blue, Black. Near the front door Back, ie Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White. Near the back door

The discussants will stand toward the center of the room and face their audiences standing together around the edge of the room and looking at them.

I will grade the discussant groups on what I can hear of their discussion (which may not be too much, seeing 2 groups will be speaking at once.)

I will also grade the groups on the basis of the reactions of their AUDIENCE. Is the audience interested in what the groups is saying? Are they looking at the discussants? Is there an air of electricity in the room?

Grades will range from 2-5.

Exam 1 – First Round

First roundtable: Black, White present

Green, Gray, Brown, Blue, BLACK Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, WHITE

After speaking, Black, and White leave their ‘rooms,’ moving to the back or front. Everyone else stays in the same place

Exam 1 – Second Round

Second roundtable: Blue and Red present

White, Green, Gray, Brown, BLUE Black, Orange, Pink, Purple, RED

After, Blue and Red leave their ‘rooms,’ moving to the back or front. Everyone else stays in the same place

Exam 1 – Third Round

Third roundtable: Brown and Purple

Red, White, Green, Gray, BROWN Blue, Black, Orange, Pink, PURPLE

Exam 1 – Fourth Round

Fourth roundtable: Gray and Pink

Purple, Red, White, Green, GRAY Brown, Blue, Black, Orange, PINK

Exam 1 – Fifth Round

Fourth roundtable: Green and Orange

Pink, Purple, Red, White, GREEN Gray, Brown, Blue, Black, ORANGE

Debates in Week 4

We will also do debates. It is D’s turn.

D’s turn

Jessica and Rachel Frances and Melissa Jimmy and Chelsea Abby and Bruce Molly and Maggie

Slide Presentations: Week 6 homework

9 words or more: 3 words per line

Some common errors for which you will lose points:

No slides: minus 1 point Post not in FLA0028 album: minus 1 point No, zero-length sound file: 1 point People who didn’t divide the presentation clearly into sections: -1 point People whose slides didn’t seem connected to their content: -1 point People who put their points all on one line: - 1 point People who extracted sentences from a written speech: -1 point People who used my slides, rather than their slides: People who didn’t have topics and/or names and ids as title of their files: -1 point People who hid the link URL behind a meaningful name: -1 point

  • Don’t read it! If you don’t hesitate/speak slowly, I know you are reading it. Don’t do that!

Next week, I will take away points for interviews which sound like they are being read.

http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=kathy112999&b=2&f=1790102635&p=4 http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=noPINKon&b=46&f=1566796277&p=4

Slides to learn from

The 9 words hit it: They describe the presentation as it divides into 3 sections.

The first word is the title, the next 4 words describe 4 effects of the thing referred to in the title. The 4 things are equally important.

Good dummy interview – Bad dummy interview

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igSiFH-SVHg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbhXMTzaZJgddk

Week 7 Interview Homework

  • It has to be about the content of the slides the interviewEE posted in Week 6 and presented about. Listen to his/her wretch.cc presentation.

Ask some interesting questions about the presentation. Say who you are interviewing, on the soundfile.

On elearning, as title, the interviewER writes ‘Judy on her pet’, ie the name of the interviewEE and the subject of the interview.

Write 12-15 words that summarize the interviewer’s questions in 3 lines. DON’T write the questions.

Upload the soundfile to the interviewER’s FLA0028 album. As title, write ‘Judy on her pet’, and as description, write ‘Minnie V9641007’, the interviewer’s name and ID.

The interviewER gets the grade.

== Week 7 Interview

They were good because:

topics chosen by the interviewee challenging questions by interviewer spontaneous exchange of ideas (interviewers’ real questions)

  • It has to be about the content of the slides
  • Don’t interview someone about your topic, interview them about their topic.
  • State who you are interviewing.

They were bad because:


Debates Week 7 by C

Black & Blue Brown & Gray Green & White Red & Purple Pink & Orange

Debates Week 8

By D

Right-hand Groups

Black & Orange Brown & Blue Gray & Green

Left-hand Groups

Red & White Purple & Pink Orange & Black

Exam Week 9

Interview of the corresponding member of the next team about one presentation of the interviewee on wretch.cc

A in the Orange team interviews A in the Black team A in the Black team interviews A in the Blue team A in the Blue team interviews A in the Brown team A in the Brown team interviews A in the Gray team A in the Gray team interviews A in the Green team

A in the Green team interviews A in the White team A in the White team interviews A in the Red team A in the Red team interviews A in the Purple team A in the Purple team interviews A in the Pink team A in the Pink team interviews A in the Orange team

The same for B, C and D

Green team has no D, so Maggie in the Gray team will interview Molly in the White team.

This means everyone will do 2 interviews: one as interviewer, one as interviewee.

Listen to the presentation of your interviewee on http://elearning.nuu.edu.tw in week 6 and the two interviews of your interviewee in week 7 and 5.

The interviewer will get the grade.

Judging the interview, the performance of the interviewee is important. If the interviewee is dynamic, or speaks a lot the interviewer will get a grade.

Wesley: If the interviewee doesn’t speak well, the interviewer will get a low grade!

Dr Bean: It’s the responsibiity of the interviewer to show the interviewee at her best.

Wesley: It’s too hard!

The exam in front of the class? Or in the small groups? In small groups. 12-20 people.

One minute or less is long enough, no? If it’s longer, it just becomes a conversation, rather than an interview.

We need to start quickly in the first hour, because there are lots of (36) interviews to do.

If an interviewer-interviewee pair is missing when it is its turn to speak, they lose points.

We will not do debates after the interviews.

Exam Two

There are 4 rooms:

White Purple BrownBrown Gray Black Brown Orange FRONT LEFT ROOM FRONT RIGHT ROOM (with Cloud)

Pink Yellow Red Blue Green BlueBlue BlackBlack BACK LEFT ROOM BACK RIGHT ROOM (with Allen)

The interviewer interviews the interviewee, then leaves the room for the other room on his/her side.

In the other room, he/she becomes the interviewee.

He/she then stays in the other room until the end of the interviews.

Homework Week 8–Exam Two preparation
Exam proposal: Week 18
Presentations on a set topic given to the presenter.
Some time before standing up to present, the presenter is given a card with the topic of his/her presentation.
The topics will come from a list of 20 or more which has been made public before the exam.
An example list would be the list of debate topics below.
# Exam 4 procedure
First the D’s, then the C’s, then the B’s, and finally the A’s.
Two speakers are presenting, one to the Back, one to the Front. At the same time, 2 speakers are sitting near Dr Bean preparing their talks.
At the end of the presentation, Dr Bean gives the speakers a grade. And the speakers go to the other area. The next speakers move into position, ready to talk. Dr Bean calls out the names of the following speakers, who come to him. He gives them cards with their topics. They start preparing their talks. The speakers in position start talking.
So in Round 1, Sophie and Abby are presenting. Nina and Ivy1 are preparing. At the end, Dr Bean calls out Rachel and Emily2’s names. And in Round 2, Nina and Ivy1 are presenting. Rachel and Emily2 are preparing.
# Rounds 1-5: D
Back Front
Round 1: Sophie Abby Round 2: Nina Ivy1 Round 3: Rachel Emily2 Round 4: Molly Vera Round 5: ~ Donna
# Rounds 6-10: C
Back Front
Round 6: Hank Jimmy Round 7: Bruce Luke Round 8: Vivi Aska Round 9: Peggy Andy Round 10: Tina Jessica
# Rounds 11-15: B
Back Front
Round 11: Maggie Kathy Round 12: Melissa Frances Round 13: Nancy Amy Round 14: Elly Joe Round 15: Joey Anita
# Rounds 16-20: D
Back Front
Round 16: Emily1 Edison Round 17: Ivy2 Cathy Round 18: Alan Kumiko Round 19: Jacinta Chelsea Round 20: Eva Tracy
# Week 15 topics
| Cellphone | Reading | Movies | Uniforms | Sport | | Laptops | Fiction | Shops | Interests | Cellphones | | | Love novels | Restaurants | Movies | Women | | | Scary novels | Movies | Shopping online | E-shopping | | | | | Pets | Singers | | | | | | New Year | | | | | | Xmas | | | | | | Food | |————+————–+————-+—————–+————-| | Cosmetics | Interests | Food | Guessing | child abuse | | Clothes | Hobbies | Travel | Crosswords | Computer | | Hobbies | Family | | | removal | | Computers | Exercise | | | Global | | Shoes | Friends | | | warming | | Food | Travel | | | Wenchaun | | Holidays | Shopping | | | earthquake | | E-Shopping | Cooking | | | |
# Week 16 topics
| Intn’l news | Dreams | Idols | Facebook | Winter vacation | | Future plans | Family | Pets | Making friends | Lunar New Year | | Plans | Neighbors | Clothes | Chinese New Year | Chinese culture | | New Year Wish | Marriage | Cookies | College life | Seasons | | Dream | | | | | |—————+————+————+——————+—————–| | Night market | Xmas gifts | Xmas | Online games | Travel | | Snacks | Star | -tradition | New Year’s food | Childhood | | Movie stars | Brand | Chinese | Sexual topics | TV programs | | Fairy tales | Drink | -culture | Language | Star (artist) | | | | Exams | | | | | | Coffee | | |
# Week 17 topics
| hotels | hateable | musical | watches | | | novels | _things | __instruments | family | | | food | gifts | Angry Birds | favorite | Week 17 | | travel | money | hair color | country | | | | holidays | eye color | transport | | |————+————–+—————+————-+———| | religion | cartoons | seasons | soap operas | Taipei | | shopping | choosing | Lunar | work | Taiwan | | hair style | __spouse | _New Year | a secret | Miaoli | | furniture | Greg | winter__ | Facebook | games | | | self- | vacation | | night | | | introduction | | | _market | | | | | | _food |
# All topics
Angry Birds A secret Cartoons Cellphone Cellphones Chinese New Year Choosing a spouse Clothes Clothes College life Computer Computers Cookies Cooking Dream Dreams E-shopping E-Shopping Exercise Eye color Facebook Facebook Family Family Family Favorite country Food Food Food Food Friends Furniture Games Gifts Greg Hair color Hair style Hateable things Hobbies Hobbies Holidays Holidays Hotels Interests Interests Lunar New Year Lunar New Year Making friends Miaoli Money Movies Movies Movies Musical instruments New Year New Year’s food New Year Wish Night market Night market food Novels Plans Religion removal Restaurants Seasons Seasons Self-introduction Shopping Shopping online Shops Singers Snacks Soap operas Sport Taipei Taiwan Transport Travel Travel Travel Travel Watches Winter vacation Winter vacation Work
# Judging debate performance
Who is the winner?
The first speaker’s content is not as good as the second’s.
If the first speech had the style of the second, it would be in the mid to low 70’s.
If the first speech had the content of the second, it would be in the mid-90’s.
# Week 10
Round 1
Black and Blue Brown and GreenC&D GreenA&B and Purple Red and YellowYellow Yellow and White Pink and Gray
Round 2
Gray and Black Blue and BrownA&B BrownC&D and Green Purple and Red YellowYellow and Yellow White and Pink
# Connections Week 10
White → Pink → Gray → Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple ← Green Blue ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ YellowYellow ← Red Brown
# Connections Week 10 Round 1 by A
White Pink → Gray Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple ← GreenA&B Blue
YellowYellow ← Red GreenC&D ← Brown
# Connections Week 10 Round 2 by B
White → Pink Gray → Black
Yellow Purple Green Blue ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ YellowYellow Red BrownC&D BrownA&B
# Connections Week 11
White → Pink → Gray → Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple ← Green Blue ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ YellowYellow ← Red └ Brown
# Connections Week 11 Round 1 by A
White Pink → Gray Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple Green Blue ↓ ↑ YellowYellow RedA&B └ Brown ↑ └ RedC&D
# Connections Week 11 Round 2 by B
White → Pink Gray → Black
Yellow PurpleA&B ← Green Blue ↑ ↓ YellowYellow PurpleC&D Brown ↓ Red

Who was speaking in the Blue and Brown debate in Round 1 IT’S IN THE WRONG ROUND REPORT Who was late with the report in Round 2

== Connections Week 12

White → Pink → Gray → Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple ← Green Blue ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ YellowYellow ← Red └ Brown

Connections Week 12 Round 1 by A

White Pink → Gray Black ↑ ↓ YellowA&B Purple Green Blue ↓ ↑ YellowC&D Red └ Brown ↑ YellowYellow

Connections Week 12 Round 2 by B

White → Pink Gray → Black

Yellow Purple ← Green Blue ↑ ↓ YellowYellowA&B Red Brown ↓ YellowYellowC&D

Irin: Your own wretch.cc album, not Lucas’s. Cindy, Anne, others: 2 points, soundfile too soft Nana: 1 point, zero-length file

== Connections Week 13

White → Pink → Gray → Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple ← Green Blue ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ YellowYellow ← Red └ Brown

Connections Week 13 Round 1 by C

White Pink → Gray Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple ← Green BlueA&B

YellowYellow ← Red BlueC&D ↓ Brown

Week 13 Debate competition

Round 2 The division of the Left and Right sides for the second round of debates into two halves will depend on the outcome of Round 1.

Round 3

Left side versus Right side

Connections Week 13 Round 4 by D

White → Pink Gray → BlackA&B

Yellow Purple Green BlackC&D ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ YellowYellow Red Brown Blue

Week 12 class discussion of Exams

Lucas’s idea of a debate competition for Exam3 Different champions debate in each round.

Preliminary Round

Black with Blue
Brown with WhiteA&B
Green with Gray

Pink with Purple
Red with YellowYellow
Yellow with WhiteC&D


FrontLeft with BackLeft
FrontRight with BackRight

Finals Left with Right

Recommendations to Dr Bean for Exam 3 presentations

Eg Different speakers in each round (total 9 speakers)

Recommendations/Concerns in Week 12 for Debate Contest

  1. FrontRight: Need for Rehearsals
  2. BackLeft : Fairness
  3. FrontLeft : Length (should be short)


Either move WhiteA&B to Left Or, Weight votes, so 20 Left votes equals 24 Right Votes.

Exam 3 Roundtable discussions

Same as Exam 1 procedure http://web.nuu.edu.tw/~greg/speaking/0028.html

Exam 3 Debate competition

Preliminary Round

White → Pink → Gray → Black ↑ ↓ Yellow Purple ← Green Blue ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ YellowYellow ← Red └ Brown

Connections Week 14 Round 1

White → PinkA&B PinkC&D → Gray Black ↓ Yellow Purple Green Blue ↑ ↓ ↑ YellowYellow Red └ Brown


o Left: Far Left with Middle Left
  (White, Yellow & Yellow) with (Pink, Purple & Red)
o FrontRight with BackRight


Left with Right

Topics for Debates

  1. Women should not wear high heels.

  2. We should drink water before we go to bed.

  3. It is better to live in the country than in the city.

  4. It is good being a student.

  5. Having a cat is better than having a dog.

  6. Smoking or non-smoking?

  7. Public transport is better than driving your own car, in the city.

  8. Chocolate is good for your health.

  9. Students should have a part-time job.

  10. It is better to be single than married.

  11. Students should own cars.

  12. It’s good to raise a pet.

  13. It’s better for a woman to wear make-up.

  14. It’s better for babies to be cared for by a nanny than the baby’s grandmother.

  15. It’s better to be married than single.

  16. Shopping online is better than going to a store.

  17. Living at home is better than living away from home.

  18. It is good to have a baby sister.

  19. It’s better to be a working mother than full-time housewife.

  20. We should use blood type and star sign to investigate personality.

  21. It’s better to keep pets inside than outside.

  22. Eating out is better than eating at home.

  23. Credit cards are more convenient than cash.

  24. Speaking is the most important English skill.

  25. Shopping with credit cards is better than shopping with cash.

  26. People should go to university.

  27. Students should wear uniforms.

  28. Wearing contact lenses is better than wearing glasses.

  29. Eating fast food is a good thing.

  30. It is better to live with your family.

  31. Elementary school students should have cell phones.

  32. Men should pay when going on a date with a girl friend.

  33. It is better to be a vegetarian.

  34. Corporal punishment should be used with students.

  35. People should not drink alcohol.

  36. People should not invest in the stock market.

  37. Elementary (or, kindergarten) students should study English in bushiban.

  38. You should drink coffee everyday.

  39. Drinking is good for health.

  40. Summer is the best season.

  41. Children should have lots of pocket money.

  42. You should not spend (lots of/any?) money on Mother’s Day.

  43. You have to spend lots of money, traveling.

  44. It’s better to have brothers than sisters.

  45. You should travel to Japan now.

  46. Riding a motor scooter is better than driving a car.

  47. Women should wear makeup for their boyfriends.

  48. McDonald’s is better than KFC.

  49. You should marry someone who is an only child.

  50. You should not change your hair color.

  51. It is better to have siblings (brothers and sisters).

  52. Raising a pet is good.

  53. It is better for a couple to work at the same company.

  54. It is good for a student to be an intern.

  55. It is good to graduate.

  56. Universities should have smoking areas.

  57. Students should not wear slippers to school.

  58. Students at the age of 18 are responsible adults.

  59. Money is the best gift for mom on Mother’s Day.

  60. Drinking juice is better than eating fruit directly.

  61. Sweet drinks are good.

  62. Kindergarten children should be allowed to watch TV.

  63. Downloading music is good.

  64. Auditors should be allowed to join classes.

  65. Supermarkets are better than traditional markets.

  66. E-books are better than real books.

  67. English is important.

  68. Drinking coffee every day makes people healthy.

  69. Mountain climbing is good.

  70. Being very thin can be good for health.

  71. This is useful for you learning English.

  72. It is better to go abroad to learn English.

  73. It is good for a man to wear his hair longer than regular length.

  74. It is not good to take vitamins or health supplements.

  75. Junior high school students should obey haircut regulations.

  76. Living alone is better than living with others.

  77. It is better to have short hair.

  78. Winter is better than summer.

  79. Fried chicken is good.

  80. Being a night owl (staying up late) is good.

  81. It’s OK not to eat breakfast.

  82. Interests are the most important factor choosing a job.

  83. Everyone should get an iphone.

  84. Eating instant noodles is good.

  85. Teachers who smoke should not be principals.

  86. 便當 (bian4dang4) is good.

  87. I it good to eat nightmarket food?

  88. Hot weather is better than cold.

  89. Is it good to be a boy or girl?

  90. Should one eat fast food frequently or less often?

  91. Which is better, plant oil or lard?

  92. Milk is good.

  93. Skin care.

  94. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

  95. Is it better to work abroad than to work in Taiwan.

Presentations for Exam3

Required activity in many graduate school classes in the US.

I did one in each class in the courses I took.

Public meetings

Deciding on a recommendation

I. Discussion in groups Introduce yourself: “I’m Greg.” Say why you’re here: “I’m here because I’m interested in exams. I think we should do debates as an exam.”

  1. Further discussion in areas: Front Left Front Right Back Left Back Right Decide what recommendation you want your spokesperson to make.
  2. Presentation by area spokespersons:
  3. Summary of class’s opinions

Week 12 group discussion of Week 11 recordings

  1. Did you listen to each others’ recordings? Discuss
  2. After listening, what questions did you want to ask?
  3. A’s question for B, B’s for C, C’s for D, D’s for A.
  4. Write 4 questions on the board. Don’t reveal the topic of discussion.
  5. Class guesses what topic each group chose.

Week 10 group discussion of presentation preparation

The final exam is 4 weeks away. What would other people be interested in hearing us speak about?

  1. Students tell groups about 2 different presentations: one they did last week, one they did before.
  2. Group tells each student which they think is a more interesting presentation.

Week 11 roundtable discussion rehash


All of the Yellow group’s roundtable discussions were interesting. I felt they were all interested in each other’s questions and they were listening to each other’s answers. And it wasn’t scripted.

Look at how Sandy’s wretch.cc album and recording are labeled.

Repeat of the 4 roundtable discussions in class plus reflections on the results - What were the strong/weak points? - Were we confident/nervous? - Was it interesting for others?

  1. A’s topic
    • reflections
  2. B’s topic
    • reflections
  3. C’s topic
    • reflections
  4. D’s topic
    • reflections


Topic: My second hometown-Sanyi(三義) + There have many views attract tourists + Epically In the May days, there have the tong blossom(油桐花) and firefly festival

N9561714 Wesley: How to choose a good friend?

Four criteria of virtue that help you choose a reliable good friend.

    1.  Loyalty
    1.  Filial piety
    1.  Justice
    1.  Honesty

N9561722 Ann’s homework

Topic: Storm

  • 1.Damage could costs lots of money

  • 2.Natural balance

Love the earth : N9561759 Jill Ku

  • key words:
  • serious change
  • temperature
  • how to treat it?

N9561741 Rita

topic:food + contents:meat + contents:spicy

N9561717 Nina

Topic: Introduce my master

  • Adventure: How to affect me

  • Conclusion: To become my dream

Kimmy N9561706 Topic: shopping online

topic: shopping online + advantage:convenient + disadvantage:safety


Topic: Jack become a Kappa.

  • Animals, food.

  • The different=20

Ivy N9561757

Strawberry + Advantages: Strawberries are rich in vitamin C. and good to our skin whiten= ing. + Disadvantages: If eat too much will suffer from diarrhea.

Sophie N9561761 Going to study abroad

Topic: Going to study abroad

  • Advantages: 1. Broaden your horizons 2. To know foreigners 3. More independent

  • Disadvantages: 1. Spending much money

n9561715 Luby How to save money

How to save money

  • advantage: To make you wealthy

  • outline: 1.To make a plan for how to use salary every month.

2.To avoid spent money on unnecessary expense.

3.To deposit money in bank except necessary expense.

4.To record cost detail on the notebook.


My speech topic is ” Night Markets “.

  • (1)Taiwan’s night markets are…

  • (2)Night markets are like a…

  • (3)I can find everything…

  • (4)The difference is…

  • (5)There are many kinds of…

  • (6)My favorite foods there are…

  • (7)I really like…

Cara N9561756

Go to natural landscapes =C2=A0 + Advantages: With amazing sceneries + Disadvantages: Sceneries Destroyed by people=0A=0A=0A

Eunice N9561762 My Brother’s Big Day

    1. First live band concer in Hsin-Chu city
    1. Propose to his futrue wife

Edith N9561711

                topic: about my hobby
  • would learn something from many kinds of movies

N9561726 Fanny

Topic: Starting a business

  • Advantage: It is the opportunity to be responsible.

  • Disadvantage: Perhaps the business will fail.=0A=0A=0A

The good presentation

Baldoni says:

  1. consider where you are.
  2. communicate what people need to know,
  3. use stories,
  4. translate things into benefits,
  5. synchronize your mind with your message and
  6. focus the audience’s attention only on what they cannot get anywhere else,

It is exciting, lively, spontaneous (not too rehearsed).

There are questions and answers.

Homework Week 11

Not enough points. or no title on album. Rita, Fanny, No expression of personal opinion: Ivy

Homework 12

An interview of the person in the next group. This will help them prepare for the presentation in week 13 exam.

Interviewers! Listen to your interviewees sound files in Week 9 and Week 10. Look at their 3 points. Ask a question about the point.

Choose one topic that you are interested in. Ask them some interesting questions.

The interviewEE gets the grade. The interviewee is responsible for uploading the soundfile into his or her wretch.cc album, and putting the link on elearning.nuu.edu.tw

Homework 13

No homework for the presentations in Week 13 # The End